Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Neptune Day!

Today was Neptune day! It is the day that you cross the equator in the Ocean. You have to ask Neptune for permission to sail in the southern seas. So they woke us up at 7:30 with drums and whistles and cymbals then marched us all out to the top deck. There we met Neptune, (Our Executive Dean in green body paint) and we had to prove our worth. So fish guts (yes real ones) were poured over us, then we had to kiss a fish and Neptune's ring. Then we officially went from being Pollywogs to Shellbacks.
Another activity of the day was to shave your head. A ton of guys did it, and 7 girls shaved their heads. Unfortunately I was not able to do it because of continuity in SAS's videos (it would look weird for me to have hair in one shot then not in another). Also I have to go up to pulitzer prize winners and Harvard professors and ask them for legitimate interviews for my project, and it seems more professional if I have hair. Oh well, I'll just shave my head later I guess.
It was also my roommates birthday today, he turned 21 on the high seas. So we had a pretty good party for him, we went to the fancy diner that you have to pay for. It proved that they are capable of feeding us delicious food, but don't.
Right now I am in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, this morning we crossed over the Mid Atlantic Ridge. This is crazy!


  1. That sounds so awesome!! I'm glad you had a great Neptune day! I was so curious what that was going to entail, sounds just as good as I had imagined

  2. Josh,

    Great to see you are doing well! We are all thinking of you here! Neptune day sounds a little gross, body paint, fish guts and head shaving. Three things I don't enjoy! But an experience you will never forget! I'm sure! Sarah and I are loving reading the blog and we look forward to reading more about your adventures. Best of luck in the southern seas!


    Brian and Sarah

  3. "It proved that they are capable of feeding us delicious food, but don't." lol!!! I hope they are feeding you moderately well at least!! I'm glad that you kept your hair, seems like a good call. Way to think about the edit! You truly are my little brother :)

    Project sounds awesome. It'll be interesting to hear what the experts say!
