Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Today was the last day in Dominica. I wish we could be here for longer, it is an amazing country that everyone should visit. 65% of the island is uninhabited and inaccessible. There are 9 active volcanoes that create an absolutely amazing landscape of towering mountains and endless valleys. It looks exactly like Jurassic park once you get up into the rainforest. Right off the bat I had my first and hopefully my last "tourist" moment. We got a taxi and I had to ride in the passenger side. So when I went to get in I opened the door and found a steering wheel, If you every visit, they drive on the left. On day 1 I went snorkeling on Champaign Reef. They call it that because of the sulfuric gas that seeps up through the ground along the edge of the continental plate, gotta love plate tectonics, thank you Earth science! The Reef was amazing, I saw octopus and puffer fish as well as all the Finding Nemo characters, say for the clown fish, since they do not live in this part of the globe. There was even a drop off that fell to over 75 ft. Later in the day I walked around the town and was able to meet the local people. They are very nice and willing to help out, I think it helps that they love their country so much and just want everyone to love it as they do. They are very much into dominoes, A man named big Jeff explained that they play it everyday and have leagues that have gone all the way to winning the world championships. So all in all, it was a pretty good monday. On day 2 I filmed for my documentary. It went very well and I think I got enough to work with which is an amazing accomplishment, luckily I had several people there to help me out. Later I went to the Emerald pool, which is by far the most exotic and beautiful places I have ever been, it is a water fall in the middle of the rain forest that plunges into a crystal clear pool perfect for swimming. It was very cold, or as the locals say "refreshing." The forest seemed like something straight out of a disney ride or a movie, in fact Pirates of the Caribbean 2 and 3 were filmed here. I'll post pictures when I can, but I can't do that from the ship. All in all a great country with great people. Just make sure you know Bob Marley because for some reason all the cab drivers insist that you sing along to their renditions of his least popular tunes. Take care.


  1. Sounds amazing, Josh! Thanks for the updates! It's a nice break from potty runs and bottle warming ; )

  2. Hahahaha, I love that you got into the driver's seat... you should have just gone with it and insisted to drive. Glad you're having fun!

  3. What a great start to an around the world trip!

  4. Glad to hear you are having a good time Will be thinking of you during Honor Flight Concert!
